Function: anstempl
Result: the list of elements
Pre-defined replies
Access level: admin
- id — Id
- name — Name
- project — Provider
- template_type — Template type
- department — Department
- orderpriority — Priority order
- props — Properties
Move one line up
Function: anstempl.up
Move one line up
Access level: admin
Set filter.
Function: anstempl.delete
Access level: admin
- elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of anstempl function.
Result: successful operation or error message
Answer template
Function: anstempl.edit
Access level: admin
The function is simultaneously used to view object's parameters, to change an object, and create new one.
View object's parameters:
- Parameters:
- elid — unique identifier (id element of anstempl function)
- Result: object parameters list
Create an object:
- Parameters:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successful operation or error message
Change an object:
- Parameters:
- sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
- elid — unique identifier (id element of anstempl function)
- additional query parameters ...
- Result: successful operation or error message
The list object's parameters or additional query parameters (see above):
- name — Name. Enter a name for this payment method
- message — Text. Enter a predefined reply. You can use the following macros:
%PROJECT% — provider name
%SUPPORTUSER% — full name of a staff member answering in the ticket
%USER% — full name of the client's user
%SERVICE%" — service name
- orderpriority — Priority . Set the order to sort templates
- project — Provider. This template will be available to the selected provider
- shared_for_all — . (Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on".) Allow all members, or only members of the department selected below, to use this template
- user_department — Department. This template will be available to members of the selected department
Move one line down
Function: anstempl.down
Move one line down
Access level: admin