BILLmanager 6
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es Es


To add Webmoney, you need to configure the settings on the payment gateway side and add the module in BILLmanager.

Payment methods support

Bank cardsCashE-walletsMobile paymentsOnline banking
bank cash desks.
Sberbank Online.
Supported features

Payments return

Recurring payments


Configuring the payment method

Complete the following steps:

  • Make sure the Send parameters in preliminary request option is disabled.
  • Enabled the function Use URL passed in the form
  • In the Result URL field enter "https://<URL_BILLmanager>/mancgi/wmresult".
  • In the Success URL field enter "https://<URL_BILLmanager>/billmgr?func=payment.success".
  • In the Fail URL field enter "https://<URL_BILLmanager>/billmgr?". 
  • Signature algorithm — "SHA256".
  • Data sent method — "POST". 

Configuring BILLmanager

The module is installed from the latest available version of the product and requires an update of the BILLmanager platform, because the module version cannot be higher than the platform version.
By default the payment system sends payment notifications to port 443. Be sure to configure port 443 for successful payments.

To create a payment module, enter Provider Payment methods → click Add. The payment module adding wizard consists of the following steps:

  1. Select a payment methods: "NAME".
  2. Integration settings. Specify the data for integration:
    Activate the Add New Client option to display a link to register with the handlers system.
    Complete the form using the details of an existing client in the handlers system:
    1. Payment gateway URL — enter the gateway URL for payments.
    2. Purse number — enter the WebMoney purse number. 
    3. Secret key — enter the secret key from your WebMoney account. It can match the key specified on the payment gateway side. 
    4. Only bank cards — select the check box to receive payments only from clients bank cards. 
  3. Payment method settings. Configure internal (within BILLmanager) parameters of the service payment module. For more details, see How to add a payment gateway module.

Additional information


Refunds are not supported. 


Webmoney has the following log files:

  • /usr/local/mgr5/var/pmwebmoney.log — configuration details of the payment method.
  • /usr/local/mgr5/var/wmpayment.log — payment log.
  • /usr/local/mgr5/var/wmresult.log — responses from the payment gateway.

The article was last updated on 08.09.2024. The article was prepared by technical writers of ISPsystem.