You can create expenses manually. For example, to pay for additional services rendered to a client.
To create an expense:
- Enter Clients → Clients → select a client → click Expense → click Add.
- Fill in the form:
- Provider — select the provider that provided the service.
- Service — select the service for which the expense will be created. You can leave the value "not set", then the Operation field will not be displayed.
- Operation — select the operation on the basis of which the expense will be created. This information is displayed in the acts of completion and accounted for in reports.
- Amount — specify the amount of the expense.
- Service activation date — specify the date.
- Name — specify the name to be displayed for the expense. For example, "Fulfilling a request".
- Do not check account balance — enable the option to charge the client even if there is not enough money in the account. A debt will be created on the client's account, which can be paid in advance or by an automatically issued invoice for payment.
If the option is disabled and there are insufficient funds in the client's account, the expense will not be created.