BILLmanager 6
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es Es



Information about payments and expenses is available in Billing Payments. By default, you will see the summary of all of the payments you have made. The operations are grouped by two types: expenses and funds that you added to your account.

Payment statuses:

  • New — requires payment;
  • Paid — payment received.

If you need more detailed analysis, you can divide the operations by the following groups: 

  • by type: all, added funds, expenses.
  • by period: month, quarter, half-a-year, year.

You can set a desired period and export the report into CSV.


To view your expense history, go to Billing Expenses.

In the history of expenses you can see:

  • the name of the service;
  • date of charging;
  • amount written off;
  • what payment was made for the service.

The article was last updated on 08.27.2024. The article was prepared by technical writers of ISPsystem.