BILLmanager 6
en En
es Es

Diagnostics and troubleshooting

This article describes solutions to problems that may occur during BI module installation.

Errors occurred during the installation

Enter System Status → Notifications:

  1. Select the notification → click details. The More details field will contain the description of the problem.
  2. Fix the problem and reinstall the module until you receive a success notification.

Caused by: response error: Captcha check failed, try again.

Disable ReCAPTCHA.

Caused by: response error: Access from this IP denied

Check the IP address restrictions for the employee under the account of which the integration is performed. Add the address of the external server where the BI system module is installed to the list of IP addresses of the employee.

Error: Type: already_exists

If you are unable to enable administrator access in the BI module settings, check that there are no users with two identical mailboxes. Change the recurring mailbox and enable the correct permissions for the user.

BI module does not appear in the BILLmanager interface

  1. Connect to the server with BI module via SSH. For more information about connecting via SSH, see Workstation setup.
  2. Check the log files /etc/business_intelligence/ansible/logs/install_[date]-*.log for an entry:

    TASK [Start BI app] ************************************************************
    changed: [bi-host]
  3. Run the commands:

    docker ps -a
    docker network inspect bi-net

The installation was successful if bi-app, data-warehouse, and etl containers are present in the response.

To display the BI module in the BILLmanager interface, specify the following parameters in the configuration file /etc/billmgr.conf:

  • BIHost — address of the server with BI module;
  • BIPassword — BI administrator password.

Error "Mysql error: Failed to connect"

Description: The module cannot connect to the BILLmanager database.

If the BI module is installed on a server with an IP address in a private network (for example, with access via VPN), then BILLmanager will have two IP addresses: public and private. When installing the BI module, the public IP address of BILLmanager will be used. The ETL component will use a public IP address instead of a private one to connect to the BILLmanager database.

To fix the database connection error, change the public IP address to a private IP address in the settings:

  1. Connect to the server with the platform via SSH. For more information about connecting via SSH, see Workstation setup.
  2. Change the rule in firewalld:

    firewall-cmd --zone=bi --add-source=<private_ip_address>
  3. Delete the public IP address from the rule:

    firewall-cmd --zone=bi --remove-source=<public_ip_address>
  4. Restart firewalld:

    systemctl restart firewalld
  5. Change the host value for the BI user in mysql:

    Open the mysql console
    Change the host value for the BI user
    UPDATE mysql.user SET host = '<private_ip_adress>' WHERE user = 'bi' ;
    Close the mysql console
  6. In /usr/local/mgr5/etc/business_intelligence/ansible/vars.json, replace the value of the bill_db_host parameter from localhost with a private IP address.
  7. Run the installation script from the /usr/local/mgr5/ directory:

    ./etc/business_intelligence/ansible/ install

In the logs, instead of Mysql error: Failed to connect error, there will be a message about successful connection Datasource 'billmgr_db' added.

Connecting the BI module to the BILLmanger database

If you are using a duplicate BILLmanager database that is located on a different server:

  1. Connect to the server with the duplicate BILLmanager database via SSH. For more information about connecting via SSH, see Workstation setup.
  2. Add a rule to firewalld:

    firewall-cmd --zone=bi --add-source=<ip_address_server_with_bi>
  3. Restart firewalld:

    systemctl restart firewalld
  4. Add the user to mysql:

    Open the mysql console
    CREATE USER 'bi'@'server_address_with_bi' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
    GRANT SELECT on billmngr.* TO 'bi'.'адрес_сервера_с_bi' WITH GRANT OPTION;
    Close the Mysql console
  5. Connect to the server with the platform via SSH. For more information about connecting via SSH, see Workstation setup.
  6. Specify new values for the bill_db_host, bill_db_port, bill_db_password parameters in the /etc/business_intelligence/ansible/vars.json file.
  7. Run the installation script from the /usr/local/mgr5/ directory:

    ./etc/business_intelligence/ansible/ install

Error "iptables: No chain/target/match by that name"

To fix the error:

  1. Connect to the server with BI module via SSH. For more information about connecting via SSH, see Workstation setup.
  2. Stop the containers:

    docker stop etl
    docker stop bi-app
    docker stop data-warehouse
  3. Delete the containers:

    docker rm etl
    docker rm bi-app
    docker rm data-warehouse
  4. Delete the docker network:

    docker network rm bi-net
  5. Restart docker:

    systemctl restart docker
  6. Install the BI module from the BILLmanager web interface.
The article was last updated on 11.08.2024. The article was prepared by technical writers of ISPsystem.