BILLmanager 6

Tariff plans (pricelist)

Function: pricelist

Result: the list of elements

Tariff plans

Access level: admin

  • id — Id
  • name — Name
  • itemtype_name — Type
  • project — Provider
  • processingmodules — Processing modules
  • pricelist_cost — Cost
  • orderpriority — Sort
  • status — Status


Function: pricelist.history

Result: the list of elements

Tariff plan change history

Access level: admin

  • changedate — Change date
  • desc — Tariff description
  • user — User
  • ip — IP address
  • action — Function


Function: itemtype.orderreference

Result: the list of elements

Tariff order rules

Access level: admin

  • id — Id
  • name — Name
  • status — Status


Function: itemtype.orderreference.resume


Access level: admin


  • elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of itemtype.orderreference function.

Result: successful operation or error message


Function: pricelist.orderreference

Result: the list of elements

Tariff order rules

Access level: admin

  • id — Id
  • name — Name
  • status — Status

Function: pricelist.orderreference.resume


Access level: admin


  • elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of pricelist.orderreference function.

Result: successful operation or error message


Function: pricelist.orderreference.suspend


Access level: admin


  • elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of pricelist.orderreference function.

Result: successful operation or error message


Function: itemtype.orderreference.suspend


Access level: admin


  • elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of itemtype.orderreference function.

Result: successful operation or error message


Function: pricelist.detail

Result: the list of elements

Tariff plan configuration

Access level: admin

  • id — Id
  • name — Name
  • price — Prices
  • orderpriority — Sort
  • status — Status


Function: pricelist.detail.integer

Result: the list of elements

Quantity based pricing

Access level: admin

  • id — Id
  • value — Quantity
  • price — Prices

Function: pricelist.detail.integer.delete


Access level: admin


  • elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of pricelist.detail.integer function.

Result: successful operation or error message

Special price

Function: pricelist.detail.integer.edit

Access level: admin

The function is simultaneously used to view object's parameters, to change an object, and create new one.

View object's parameters:

  • Parameters:
    • plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of pricelist.detail function).
    • elid — unique identifier (id element of pricelist.detail.integer function)
  • Result: object parameters list

Create an object:


  • sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
    • plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of pricelist.detail function).
    • additional query parameters ...
  • Result: successful operation or error message

Change an object:

  • Parameters:
    • sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
    • plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of pricelist.detail function).
    • elid — unique identifier (id element of pricelist.detail.integer function)
    • additional query parameters ...
  • Result: successfull operation or error message

The list object's parameters or additional query parameters (see above):

  • value — Number. When the amount of resources reaches the specified value (greater than or equals), the special price will be applied. Values from to


Function: pricelist.detail.resume


Access level: admin


  • elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of pricelist.detail function.

Result: successful operation or error message


Function: pricelist.detail.enum

Result: the list of elements


Access level: admin

  • id — Id
  • name — Name
  • price — Price
  • orderpriority — Sort
  • status — Status

Function: pricelist.detail.enum.resume


Access level: admin


  • elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of pricelist.detail.enum function.

Result: successful operation or error message


Function: pricelist.detail.enum.suspend


Access level: admin


  • elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of pricelist.detail.enum function.

Result: successful operation or error message

Move one line up

Function: pricelist.detail.enum.up

Move one line up

Access level: admin


Function: pricelist.detail.enum.edit

Access level: admin

The function is simultaneously used to view object's parameters, to change an object, and create new one.

View object's parameters:

  • Parameters:
    • plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of pricelist.detail function).
    • elid — unique identifier (id element of pricelist.detail.enum function)
  • Result: object parameters list

Create an object:


  • sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
    • plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of pricelist.detail function).
    • additional query parameters ...
  • Result: successful operation or error message

Change an object:

  • Parameters:
    • sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
    • plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of pricelist.detail function).
    • elid — unique identifier (id element of pricelist.detail.enum function)
    • additional query parameters ...
  • Result: successfull operation or error message

The list object's parameters or additional query parameters (see above):

  • orderpriority — Sort. Sorting order for enumeration element in the list
Move one line down

Function: pricelist.detail.enum.down

Move one line down

Access level: admin

Move the selected add-on one line up

Function: pricelist.detail.up

Move the selected add-on one line up

Access level: admin

Edit the selected resource

Function: pricelist.detail.edit

Access level: admin

The function is simultaneously used to view object's parameters, to change an object, and create new one.

View object's parameters:

  • Parameters:
    • plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of pricelist function).
    • elid — unique identifier (id element of pricelist.detail function)
  • Result: object parameters list

Create an object:


  • sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
    • plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of pricelist function).
    • additional query parameters ...
  • Result: successful operation or error message

Change an object:

  • Parameters:
    • sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
    • plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of pricelist function).
    • elid — unique identifier (id element of pricelist.detail function)
    • additional query parameters ...
  • Result: successfull operation or error message

The list object's parameters or additional query parameters (see above):

  • billtype — Billing type. Choose how you want to charge customers for this add-on
  • chargestoped — . (Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on".) If you clear this check box, the client will be compensated for his service downtime
  • itemtype — Type. Select an add-on type
  • addontype — Value type. Select how you want to provide add-ons for this tariff plan
  • selecttype — Display type . It is used only in BILLmanager6 user interface.
  • scaletype — Value scale type . This parameter is used to calculate add-on price
  • restrictclientchange — Edit resource after order. Resources modification policy
  • minperiodtype — Minimum order period. Select a minimum period that will pass before a client will be able to downgrade his add-on
  • minperiodlen — Period. Enter the minimum order period for this add-on
  • manualprocessing — . (Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on".) The service will be set up manually. The corresponding task will be created for a technical support team
  • manualprocessing_skipdefault — . (Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on".) With this option enabled and the default value selected, this add-on will not be added to manual processing.
  • manualname — . (Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on".) Select the check box to use the value specified below for a new add-on
  • name — Name. Enter the tariff plan name
  • intname — Internal name. Enter the internal name, only if the it differs from the internal name of the add-on type, or if several parameters should be calculated
  • processing_feature — Check possibility. If you choose an addon with this feature, the handler will be selected that has this feature
  • roundtype — Rounding procedure. Select a rounding procedure
  • addonstattype — Bill resource overuse. Select a period to bill a client for resource overuse
  • addonstatcomparison — Several parameters. Select how you want to bill a client if there are several parameters of the same type. For example, traffic can be incoming and outgoing
  • addonstatcalculation — Price for. The price is specified for... If it is specified per item per month, the statistics will be calculated as follows: (overuse per day) * (price) / (number of days in a month)
  • addonstatchargestoped — . (Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on".) If this option is enabled, service will be charged even if it is suspended
  • allowpostpaid — . (Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on".) Select the check box to charge a client for resource overage without debiting his personal account
  • summarizeinvoice — . (Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on".) Sum up the values for the whole period
  • measure — Unit of measure. Select a unit of measure for this add-on. The value will be converted into a unit of measure used by the control panel
  • addonlimit — Tariff plan includes. Default value for add-on
  • addonstep — Step. Add-on order step
  • addonmin — Minimum value . Minimum order value. This value cannot be smaller than the value included into the tariff plan
  • addonmax — Maximum value. Enter the maximum order value
  • addonlimittrial — Include into tariff on trial period. The default value for the add-on on a trial period
  • addonmaxtrial — Maximum value on trial period . Maximum value that can be ordered on a trial period
  • enumeration — Enumeration. Values for add-on will be taken from this enumeration
  • enumerationitem — Default value. Enumeration element that this service includes by default
  • orderpolicy — Price after change . Here you can add rules how to calculate the price if you change service add-on
  • addonbool — . (Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on".) Default value for add-on
  • orderpriority — Sorting (count forward). Set priority for this add-on
  • description — Add-on description . Add-on description in HTML format. For line break use <br/>, to put in bold type or in italics <b></b> and <i></i>
  • description_markdown — Add-on description (markdown). Add-on description. Markdown formatting is used for descriotion


Function: pricelist.detail.delete


Access level: admin


  • elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of pricelist.detail function.

Result: successful operation or error message

Move the selected add-on one line down

Function: pricelist.detail.down

Move the selected add-on one line down

Access level: admin


Function: pricelist.detail.compound

Result: the list of elements

Resource variants

Access level: admin

  • id — Id
  • name — Name
  • price — Prices
  • orderpriority — Sort
  • status — Status
Move the selected add-on one line up

Function: pricelist.detail.compound.up

Move the selected add-on one line up

Access level: admin


Function: pricelist.detail.suspend


Access level: admin


  • elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of pricelist.detail.compound function.

Result: successful operation or error message

Move the selected add-on one line down

Function: pricelist.detail.compound.down

Move the selected add-on one line down

Access level: admin

Import tariff plan from a remote server

Function: pricelist.import

Import tariff plan from a remote server

Access level: admin


Function: pricelist.reference

Result: the list of elements

Add-on dependencies

Access level: admin

  • id — Id
  • referencedesc — Dependency
  • reference — Ratio

Edit dependency

Function: pricelist.reference.edit

Access level: admin

The function is simultaneously used to view object's parameters, to change an object, and create new one.

View object's parameters:

  • Parameters:
    • plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of pricelist function).
    • elid — unique identifier (id element of pricelist.reference function)
  • Result: object parameters list

Create an object:


  • sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
    • plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of pricelist function).
    • additional query parameters ...
  • Result: successful operation or error message

Change an object:

  • Parameters:
    • sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
    • plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of pricelist function).
    • elid — unique identifier (id element of pricelist.reference function)
    • additional query parameters ...
  • Result: successfull operation or error message

The list object's parameters or additional query parameters (see above):

  • pricelist_base — Main add-on . Select a tariff add-on. Modifying this add-on will modify the value of the dependent add-on
  • base_value — Value. Select a value of the main add-on . Values from to
  • enumerationitem_base — Values. Select a value. Selecting the value will modify the dependent add-on
  • pricelist_reference — Dependent add-on . Select an add-on that will be changed when changing the main add-on
  • reference_value — Value. Select a value that will be set for the dependent add-on. Values from to
  • enumerationitem_reference — Values. Select values that will be available when changing the main add-on

Copy the selected dependency

Function: pricelist.reference.clone

Copy the selected dependency

Access level: admin


Function: pricelist.reference.delete


Access level: admin


  • elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of pricelist.reference function.

Result: successful operation or error message


Function: pricelist.resume


Access level: admin


  • elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of pricelist function.

Result: successful operation or error message

Move the tariff plan one line up

Function: pricelist.up

Move the tariff plan one line up

Access level: admin


Function: pricelist.suspend


Access level: admin


  • elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of pricelist function.

Result: successful operation or error message


Function: pricelist.add


Access level: admin

Edit properties of the selected tariff plan

Function: pricelist.edit

Access level: admin

The function is simultaneously used to view object's parameters, to change an object, and create new one.

View object's parameters:

  • Parameters:
    • elid — unique identifier (id element of pricelist function)
  • Result: object parameters list

Create an object:

  • Parameters:
    • sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
    • additional query parameters ...
  • Result: successful operation or error message

Change an object:

  • Parameters:
    • sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
    • elid — unique identifier (id element of pricelist function)
    • additional query parameters ...
  • Result: successful operation or error message

The list object's parameters or additional query parameters (see above):

  • name — Name. Enter the tariff plan name
  • processingmodule — Processing module . Select processing modules for the newly created tariff plan. Tariff plans won't be available for order, if they are not associated with a processing module
  • modulepreset — Configuration.
  • intname — Internal name. Enter an internal name that will be used for getting default parameters of newly created services from the processing module, or for identifying basic configuration in case of manual setup
  • billdaily — . (Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on".) Select the check box to charge clients on a daily basis. The amount will be calculated in proportin to daily price in the selected month. The tariff upgrade policy cannot be applied
  • billhourly — . (Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on".) Select the check box to allow clients to start/suspend services associated with this tariff plan. If the "Charge client after suspension" check box is selected, the client will be compensated for his service downtime. Funds are charged at the beginning of the day, and the client will be compensated the next day taking into account his service downtime
  • chargestoped — . (Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on".) If you clear the check box, the client will be compensated for his service downtime. This option is available for every service (it is enabled by default). Options in tariff configuration form and in additional resources are not interrelated
  • autocalcday — . (Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on".) Select the check box to calculate the month price divided by the number of days in the month
  • billprorata — . (Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on".) Selecting this check box will change the service validity period by a calendar month depending on a date selected in the "Pro-rata day" field. If a client orders the service before the specified date, its expiration date will be set before the end of the current month. If he makes an order at the specified date or later — until the end of the next month. Order/renewal price will be changed in proportion to changes of the service validity period
  • prorataday — Pro-rata day . Select a day for calendar-based charges
  • quickorder — . (Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on".) Enable quick order of services, a client won't need to enter any parameters during order
  • opennotify — Service activation notification template . Service activation notification template. It will be sent to a client's email upon service activation. You can also find the instruction in the service module by clicking the corresponding button on the toolbar.
  • license — Service agreement. Select a Service agreement template that clients will need to accept while ordering a service. You can add or edit a template in the "Document templates" module
  • pricelist_group — Tariff group. Select a tariff group in order to give global discounts, set trial policies, and group tariff plans in reports
  • create_addon — . (Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on".) All add-ons available for this tariff plan will be created while creating a tariff plan
  • show_on_dashboard — . (Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on".) Show tariff on the Dashboard in BILLmanager 6
  • orderpage — Page. Service order page that will display the tariff in BILLmanager 6
  • ostemplate — OS templates . OS templates that will be included into the tariff plan
  • access — Available for order . Select a group of users who can order or upgrade to this tariff plan
  • minperiodtype — Minimum order period. Select an order period. When this period is over, a client can cancel his service. In case of daily charges, this value may affect the amount of funds reserved for a service
  • minperiodlen — Minimum period length. Enter the minimum period in days or months
  • trial — Trial period. Enter a trial period in days. You can set trial policy in a product type edit form. Leave the field blank if this tariff plan doesn't have a trial period
  • trial_itemmax — Number of trials available for order . The maximum number of trials available for this tariff plan
  • itemmax — Number of services available for order. Enter the maximum number of services that a client can order. The client won't be able to order add-ons for this tariff plan once reaching this limit
  • suspendpenaltytype — Late renewal fee . A client will be charged this late renewal fee while renewing a service
  • suspendpenaltypercent — Price percent. Enter the price percent for overdue services
  • allownosuitable — . (Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on".) The service will be available for order even if there are no resources or dedicated servers available
  • suspendperiod — Auto-deletion period. Set a period in days that will pass before a suspended service will be deleted. Leave the field blank to apply the product type settings
  • nostopholidays — Suspend service on weekends. Select a service cancellation policy
  • changepolicy — Tariff change policy. Tariff plan change policy
  • changeprolongpolicy — Renew from. Tariff upgrade policy
  • orderpolicy — Additional resources order policy. Select how you want to calculate add-on prices
  • returnpolicy — Addon cancellation policy. Select how you want to calculate refunds if a client cancels add-ons
  • note — Notes. Enter any information related to this tariff plan that may be useful for staff
  • orderlink — Tariff plan order URL. You can use this link to make an order from your site
  • quickorderlinkbasket — .
  • quickorderlinkpayment — .
  • orderpriority — Sort. Set priority for this tariff plan (count forward)
  • show_addon_image — Show addon icons. This option enables to configure and display resources' icons during service order and modification
  • description — Tariff description.
  • description_markdown — Tariff description (markdown) .
  • siteinfo — Information for site. Enter any information that can be used for integration with your site
  • label — Labels. Tariff labels can be used to set filters on the order page. Enter labels with a fresh line


Function: pricelist.processing

Result: the list of elements

Processing modules

Access level: admin

  • id — Id
  • name — Name
  • orderpriority — Priority
  • status — Status


Function: pricelist.processing.suspend


Access level: admin


  • elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of pricelist.processing function.

Result: successful operation or error message

Put the processing module one position up

Function: pricelist.processing.up

Put the processing module one position up

Access level: admin


Function: pricelist.processing.resume


Access level: admin


  • elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of pricelist.processing function.

Result: successful operation or error message

Put the processing module one position down

Function: pricelist.processing.down

Put the processing module one position down

Access level: admin

Move the tariff plan one line down

Function: pricelist.down

Move the tariff plan one line down

Access level: admin

Clone the selected tariff plan

Function: pricelist.clone

Clone the selected tariff plan

Access level: admin


Function: pricelist.delete


Access level: admin


  • elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of pricelist function.

Result: successful operation or error message

Set filter.



Function: pricelist.change

Result: the list of elements

Tariff change rules

Access level: admin

  • id — Id
  • name — Name
  • status — Status


Function: pricelist.change.rule

Result: the list of elements

Tariff change special rules

Access level: admin

  • id — Id
  • fromdate — Order start date
  • todate — Order end date
  • period — Order period
  • discount — Discount, %
Special rule for tariff change

Function: pricelist.change.rule.edit

Access level: admin

The function is simultaneously used to view object's parameters, to change an object, and create new one.

View object's parameters:

  • Parameters:
    • plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of pricelist.change function).
    • elid — unique identifier (id element of pricelist.change.rule function)
  • Result: object parameters list

Create an object:


  • sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
    • plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of pricelist.change function).
    • additional query parameters ...
  • Result: successful operation or error message

Change an object:

  • Parameters:
    • sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
    • plid — parent list unique identifier (id element of pricelist.change function).
    • elid — unique identifier (id element of pricelist.change.rule function)
    • additional query parameters ...
  • Result: successfull operation or error message

The list object's parameters or additional query parameters (see above):

  • fromdate — Order start date. Start date. The rule will be applied only to services that were ordered after this date
  • todate — Order end date. End date. The rule will be applied only to services that were ordered before this date
  • period — Order period. You can create different rules depending on order period (lifetime, one month, etc.)
  • discount — Discount on a new tariff plan. Enter a discount in % that will be given on a new product

Function: pricelist.change.rule.delete


Access level: admin


  • elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of pricelist.change.rule function.

Result: successful operation or error message


Function: pricelist.change.resume


Access level: admin


  • elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of pricelist.change function.

Result: successful operation or error message


Function: pricelist.change.suspend


Access level: admin


  • elid — one or more object's unique identifiers comma-delimited with space ", ". The unique identifiers is the id element of pricelist.change function.

Result: successful operation or error message