BILLmanager 6

General information. VMmanager 6 IaaS

Integration with VMmanager 6 allows the provider to offer virtual networks to clients.

After successful payment for the service, BILLmanager sends an API-request to VMmanager 6 to change the limit of virtual networks for the user. Along with the allocation of a virtual network in VMmanager, a new client account with the access level "User" will be created. If the client already has an account, the limit will be assigned to it. 

After opening the service, the customer will be able to read the instructions in Products/Services Virtual networks → select the service → Instruction.

The instructions are unavailable if the Service activation template is not selected in the tariff settings.  


The logs of interaction between the billing platform and VMmanager 6 can be found in /usr/local/mgr5/var/pmvmmgr6_iaas.log.