BILLmanager 6
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Import user data from cPanel to ISPmanager

To import a website from the server with cPanel create a backup copy of the cPanel user, download it to your computer, and import the data to ISPmanager.  This feature is available in ISPmanager Lite starting from 5.57 and in ISPmanager Business starting from 5.86. 

When you import a reseller to ISPmanager, its user role will be changed from "Reseller" to "User". 

Preparing for the export

Check that the limits on domain names,  FTP users, and databases for the user are more than  0:

  1. Log in to the control panel WHM through the URL

  2. Go to Packages Edit package → Edit.
  3. Edit the value in Resources and click on Save changes. 

Exporting data from cPanel

To download a backup copy from cPanel:

  1. Log in to cPanel. 
  2. Go to Dashboard Files Backup
  3. Press the button Download a Full Website Backup.
  4. Select the Home directory in Backup destination and press the button Generate Backup.
  5. Click on Back. After the backup is generated, click on the link with that backup. 
  6. Download the archive to your computer.  

Importing data to ISPmanager

  1. Log in to ISPmanager.
  2. Go to Tools User import
  3. Select "Upload archive". 
  4. To import several archives select "From local archive or directory" 
  5. Select the backup file downloaded from cPanel. 
  6. Click on Ok to start the backup recovery. 
  7. Edit the resource records if needed in Domains Domain names → Records
  8. Check that the corresponding PHP version is installed: 
    • ISPmanager Lite — log in as the superuser and go to Settings Features;
    • ISPmanager Business — log in as the superuser or admin and go to Web-server settings PHP

Data that can be imported 

The following data can be imported from cPanel to ISPmanager:

  • User data;
  • User's crontab file;
  • Domain configuration file;
  • User files;
  • Mail list;
  • MySQL dumps;
  • SSL certificates, CSR requests;
  • User access permissions to MySQL;
  • ProFTPD configuration file;
  • User quotas;
  • User password;
  • Shell access details;
  • Accounts of domains that use SSL;
  • cPanel version.


The log file is  /usr/local/mgr5/var/backup2_cpanel_conv.log

If errors occurred during the import process you can view the report in Accounts → Users → Details.

The article was last updated on 07.14.2022. The article was prepared by technical writers of ISPsystem.