BILLmanager 6
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General information. OpenStack

Integration with OpenStack allows the hosting provider to offer virtual data centers to clients.

After a client orders a service, BILLmanager sends an API request to OpenStack to create a virtual data center (VDC). The service is considered open (in BILLmanager it assumes the "Active" status) when a virtual data center is successfully created on the OpenStack side. 

The data center owner (client) can manage the service through BILLmanager or through OpenStack. You can go to a third-party control panel from the services management page in BILLmanager: Products/Services → VDC → Go to button. 

Once the service is open, the client can read the instructions. They will contain the OpenStack login URL as well as authorization information. The instructions are available on the services management page in Products/Services → VDC → Instructions button.

Structure of the section

The articles in this section describe how to set up integration with OpenStack to sell VDCs. 

Integration with OpenStack consists of four steps:

  1. Creating a service processing module (setting up the integration).
  2. Setting up the Virtual Data Center product type.
  3. Creating and configuring a tariff.
  4. Setting up additional resources.

The section also contains additional information:

The article was last updated on 06.04.2022. The article was prepared by technical writers of ISPsystem.