BILLmanager 6

Synchronization and logs. OpenStack

This article describes synchronization of BILLmanager with OpenStack, as well as the OpenStack processing module's log file and the main operations recorded in the log. 


The cron scheduler job is responsible for synchronizing the data in BILLmanager with the information in OpenStack:

/usr/local/mgr5/sbin/mgrctl -m billmgr crontask action=vdc.sync.all >/dev/null 2>&1

This job runs every 30 minutes and runs for all Virtual Data Center (VDC) objects. In the process of synchronization:

  • objects, for which there are current operations, are not involved;
  • objects without external code and current operations are deleted;
  • objects on the OpenStack side that are not present in BILLmanager will be added to the billing platform;
  • objects that are missing in OpenStack are marked as deleted in BILLmanager;
  • data on VDC resource limits are loaded from OpenStack to the billing platform;
  • If there are no VDC resources in the tariff content, BILLmanager will request information about limits on using these resources from OpenStack.

You can run synchronization manually through the BILLmanager interface: Products/Services → VDC → Synchronize button.


The log of interaction of the billing sysplatform tem with OpenStack is written to the file /usr/local/mgr5/var/pmopenstack.log.

It is possible to determine the operations performed in the log by the following entries:

  • processing/pmopenstack --runningoperation <current operation code> --command open/close - open/close VDC service; 
  • processing/pmopenstack --runningoperation <current operation code> --command vdc_volume_open/close - create/delete hard disk;
  • processing/pmopenstack --runningoperation <current operation code> --command vdc_vm_open/close - create/delete virtual machine in VDC;
  • processing/pmopenstack --runningoperation <current operation code> --command vdc_network_open/close - create/delete VDC network;
  • processing/pmopenstack --runningoperation <current operation code> --command vdc_router_open/close - create/delete VDC router;
  • processing/pmopenstack --runningoperation <current operation code> --command vdc_router_interface_open/close - create/delete router interface;
  • processing/pmopenstack --runningoperation <current operation code> --command vdc_loadbalancer_open/close - create/delete load balancer;
  • processing/pmopenstack --command vdc_stat --module module_code - collecting statistics; 
  • processing/pmopenstack --command vdc_sync_all - data synchronization.