BILLmanager 6

Bonus program setup

Bonus program is a tool that allows providers to reward customers for loyalty, activity or completion of targeted actions. For example, for repetitive purchases. A Bonus account is a virtual wallet of a client where points (bonuses) are accumulated and can be used to pay for services or receive discounts.

BILLmanager allows you to create and configure a user loyalty bonus program in the provider settings. The platform administrator can:

  • set the period of validity of the bonus program;
  • create and modify the rules of the bonus program taking into account tariffs and tariff groups;
  • connect mandatory consent from clients to participate in the program;
  • see the status of the bonus account, including:
    • bonus accrual;
    • bonus deductions;
    • periods of activation.

Installation of the "Bonus program"

Bonus program is not included in the basic functionality of BILLmanager.  To add bonus program features to the platform, go to IntegrationsModules Bonus ProgramInstall. For more information about other modules, see the Integration article.

The module is installed from the latest available version of the product and requires an update of the BILLmanager platform, because the module version cannot be higher than the platform version.

Setting up a bonus program for provider

To activate the bonus program in the platform, open the ProviderProviders → select a provider → Edit button → Bonus program settings section → select the Enable work with bonus programs option.

The Bonus program settings section allows to configure:

  • Name of bonus program — specify the name of the bonus program that will be displayed in the client's personal cabinet. For example, "Privilege Club" or "Loyalty 3.0";
  • Name of bonuses specify the name of bonuses for each of the platform's localizations. For example, "Club Points" or "Gratitude";
  • Use icon — activate the option to use the icon instead of the name of the bonuses. You can: 
    • leave the default icon;
    • upload a file with an image in PNG format. The standard size of the icon when displayed is 48 by 48 px.
  • Accrue welcome bonuses to customers — activate the option to enter the Amount of welcome bonuses that will be available to the client when the bonus program is activated. Bonuses will be accrued to all clients, but will be displayed only to those clients who have a bonus account enabled. For more details see the article Welcome bonuses;
  •  Simultaneous accrual and deduction of bonuses  — select one of the options:
    • Do not accrue new bonuses when deducting bonuses — if a customer has bonuses on his account, they will be debited from the customer's account in accordance with the debiting rules. New bonuses will not be accrued;
    •   When bonuses are deducted, new ones are accrued from the total amount — if the client has bonuses on the account, they will be debited in accordance with the debiting rules. After that, new bonuses will be accrued on the total amount in accordance with the program settings;
  • Withdrawal of funds from the personal account and refund of payments — platform behavior when returning funds from the personal account and returning payments, with which bonus accrual is connected:  
    • Don't return bonuses — in case of payment refund, the user receives the funds back to the account, and the bonuses accrued for the purchase of goods or services remain on the user's bonus account;
  • Rounding rules — an integer number of bonuses can be accrued and debited to the bonus account. The option defines how rounding will be performed:
    • According to the rules of math — round according to the rules of math: if the fractional part of a number is less than 0.5, round down, if 0.5 or more, round up. 
    • Rounding to a higher value — the fractional part is always incremented to the nearest whole number;
    • Rounding to a lower value — the fractional part is always discarded.

Setting up bonus program rules

To set up a bonus program, go to MarketingBonus program rules. The item is available if the option Enable work with bonus programs is selected in the settings of at least one provider. For details, see Setting up a bonus program for provider.

The section allows to:

  • Create a bonus program — see General settings section for details;
  • Change bonus program — see General settings section for details;
  • Delete bonus program;
  • Set up Bonus accrual and Bonus deduction — for more details see Bonus accrual settings, Bonus accrual conditions and Bonus deduction settings;
  • View the History of a bonus program rule — if a rule has been changed, the platform allows you to see the date it happened, see what was changed, by which user and from which IP address.

Bonus program setup consists of the following steps:

  • creating a bonus program;
  • setting the rules of bonus accrual;
  • setting up rules of bonus debiting.

The program cannot be activated until at least one accrual rule or one deduction rule has been created.

General settings

To create a bonus program rule:

  1. Go to Marketing → Bonus program rules Create.
  2. Select the provider you want to create the rule for.
  3. Enter the name of the bonus program.
  4. Specify the date the rule starts and the date the rule ends.
  5. Select the Client groups for which the rule will apply. If no group is selected, the rule applies to all clients of the provider.
  6. Specify Payment number template — description of the template, by which the bonus payment number will be formed. Built-in macros can be used to fill it: {id} - payment code, {num} - serial number of payment. When forming the number the system will take into account all additional symbols (besides macros) and will replace the used macro with the corresponding number.У
  7. Click Save and go to the accrual rules if you want to continue customizing, or Save if you plan to return to the settings later.

Bonus accrual settings

After creating the rule, configure the parameters of bonus accrual. If at the previous step you chose the Save option, go to Bonus program rules → select rule → Accrual.

  1. Select one of the options:
    • Create;
    • Change — select an existing accrual rule that you want to change;
    • Delete — deleting the selected accrual rule;
    • Terms and conditions set up conditions for the selected bonus rule. For more details see Bonus accrual conditions.
  2. Select Accrual type:
    • Fixed the specified Amount of bonuses will be credited to the client's bonus account;
    • Calculated — the client's bonus account will be accrued a Percentage of the payment amount. The amount of bonuses will be rounded up to a whole number taking into account the set rounding rule in the provider's settings. For more details see section Setting up a bonus program for provider. Minimum amount of bonuses and Maximum amount of bonuses can also be set.
  3. Specify the Priority of applying rules. If several rules are configured for a client, the rules with the highest priority (the highest value) will be applied first, then the rules that will give the client more bonuses will be applied. It is allowed to specify a negative value in this field.

Bonus accrual conditions

To set up bonus accrual conditions, under Bonus program rules → select a bonus program rule → Accrual → select an accrual rule → Terms and conditions. The platform allows you to customize bonus accrual conditions:

  • No conditions — bonuses are always accrued: 
    • when purchasing any service by tariff and in any quantity;
    • when replenishing your account by any payment method;
  • For the purchase of services by type — bonuses are accrued when purchasing or renewing services with non-zero value at the specified tariffs with the specified period. No bonuses are accrued for free services. Select: 
    • Product type/tariff or a Service — list services Id;
    • Period — select the period for which the bonus will be calculated;
    • Effective for — select the type of transaction for which the bonus calculation rule applies to:
      • order and renewal;
      • order of new services;
      • renewal of services;

    Group of conditions — specify a group to combine the conditions. The conditions in the group will be combined using OR operator. The groups are linked together by AND. For example, one group contains conditions A, B and C, another group contains conditions D and E. The final expression for the selection will be (A OR B OR C) AND (D OR E). You can create conditions without a group. In this case, services must match all conditions outside of groups to be included in the selection.


    Selecting products for bonus accrual

  • For the purchase of services by quantity —  bonuses are accrued when services are purchased based on quantity. The setting is similar to the item For purchase of services by type except for the Quantity and Comparison operation fields;
  • When replenishing the personal account balance — bonuses are accrued when the personal account is replenished. If Minimum sum and Maximum sum are set, bonuses will be accrued when the payment amount hits the specified range. If both values are not set, the bonus program rule will apply to any amount of replenishment;
  • Of the purchase amount — bonuses are accrued when purchasing goods and services. If the Minimum sum and Maximum sum are set, bonuses will be accrued when the payment amount hits the specified range. If both of these values are not set, bonus program rule will be valid for any purchase amount.

Bonus deduction settings

The deduction is always applied to the entire cost of a product or service. To create a bonus deduction condition, under Bonus program rules → select a bonus program rule → DeductCreate. Select:

  • Product type/tariff or a Service — list services Id;
  • Effective for — select the type of transaction for which the bonus calculation rule applies to:
    • order and renewal;
    • order of new services;
    • renewal of services;
  • Percentage of cost — select the percentage of the cost that can be paid with bonuses;
  • Maximum amount of bonuses — specify the maximum amount of bonuses that can be deducted. If the value of the amount of bonuses to be deducted is greater than the specified value, the one you specified will be taken. If this field is not filled in, the received or specified value will be deducted.

  • Priority — specify the priority of rules application. If several rules are configured for a client, the rules with the highest priority (the highest value) will be applied first, then the rules that will give more bonuses to the client will be applied. It is allowed to specify a negative value in the field.
Bonuses cannot be deducted for services that are charged daily.

Acceptance to participate in the bonus program

To participate in the bonus program, the client must give his/her permission. Depending on the provider's settings, the permission request may be set during registration or authorization. The provider needs to set up and activate the condition for using bonus programs. For more information on how to set up permission, see the article Personal data management.

Bonus accrual and debiting

The platform supports both automatic bonus accrual in accordance with the bonus program settings and manual bonus accrual.

To accrue or deduct bonuses manually for a client, go to Clients Clients → select a client → click Bonus accounts → click Replenish or Deduct. For more details on managing a client's bonus accounts, see the article Managing clients.

View client's bonus accounts

Actions with client's bonus accounts