BILLmanager 6
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Processing module. VMmanager 6

Integration with VMmanager 6 version 2024.03.1 and higher is supported from BILLmanager version 6.92.0.


Integration is configured in the process of creating a service processing module in BILLmanager.

To create a service processing module, enter IntegrationProcessing modules → click Add. The processing module adding wizard consists of the following steps:

  1. Product type: select "VPS".
  2. Processing module: select "VMmanager 6".
  3. Configuring integration. Specify the data for integration:
    1. URL — enter the domain or public IP address of VMmanager 6.
    2. Username — enter the name of the VMmanager 6 administrator. Use the account of the first user created after installing VMmanager 6.
    3. Password.
  4. Parameters of the service processing module. Configure internal (within BILLmanager) parameters of the service processing module:
    1. Data center — select the data center in BILLmanager to which the processing module will be connected.

      The Data Center must not have an External Data Center id.
    2. Name — specify the name of the processing module to be displayed in the BILLmanager interface.
    3. Department — select the department to which tasks from the processing module will be assigned.
    4. Sort — specify the processing module’s priority. If more than one processing module is connected to a tariff plan, the processing module with the lowest priority is selected first when creating the service.
    5. Cluster — VMmanager cluster in which virtual machines (VM) will be created;
    6. Use recipes — enable this option if you need to install additional software or run a script on the VM. Read more in Installing additional software (recipes). VMmanager 6;
    7. Additional network interface — enable this option if the VM needs to use a second network interface. The VMmanager cluster must have the main and additional network interfaces configured for that purpose.

      The service handler is bound to one of the VMmanager clusters. If you plan to sell servers with different types of virtualization, connect two handlers — one for the KVM cluster, the other for the cluster with LXD virtualization.

Processing module parameters

To manage the processing module parameters, enter IntegrationProcessing modules → select the processing module → click Parameters.

Processing module parameters:

  • Session storage period — sets the maximum lifetime of the session in seconds. Used to reduce the load on the authorization service;
  • Start operations in a queue — limits the number of simultaneous jobs. Works together with the "Number of queues" and "Queue key" options;
  • Queue key — a unique text key. Tasks of different processing modules with different queue keys run in parallel, tasks with the same keys run one after another. Works together with the "Start operations in a queue" and "Number of queues" options.
    The key entry supports macros:
    • __TYPE__ — operation type;
    • __PMID__ — processing module ID;
    • __IID__ — service ID.
  • Number of queues — sets the maximum number of simultaneous operations specified through the "Queue key" parameter. Works together with the "Start operations in a queue" and "Queue key" options.

How queued operations work

You can reduce the load on the platform by enabling and configuring queued operations.

A queue key is generated for each operation (using the pattern {key_name}-{ queue_number}). Tasks of different processing modules with different queue keys run in parallel, tasks with the same keys run one after another.

Example of work
The article was last updated on 03.18.2024. The article was prepared by technical writers of ISPsystem.