BILLmanager 6
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ISPsystem control panel license. VMmanager

The VMmanager processing module supports the "Control panel license" resource. Add this resource to the tariff and a license for ispmanager, for example, will be automatically ordered via BILLmanager together with the service. When ordering a service, the VMmanager processing module accesses the license server and orders the required product. The address of the virtual server is specified as the IP address of the license.

License server is a service processing module integrated with the remote BILLmanager of the company that provides licenses. The license server is specified in the VMmanager processing module parameters.

The client eventually gets a virtual server and an ispmanager license for that server.

Ordering a license does not guarantee automatic installation of ispmanager on a virtual server. You can install ispmanager on your VDS either manually or automatically by configuring the Installation of additional software (recipes). VMmanager.

Also, see:

Connecting the license server

To connect a license server (service processing module) to BILLmanager, enter IntegrationProcessing modules → click Add:

  1. Product type — select "Licenses".
  2. Processing module — add "BILLmanager".
  3. Configuring integration with remote BILLmanager:
    1. URL — specify the address of the BILLmanager that will provide licenses. If the integration is configured with ISPsystem's BILLmanager, specify the URL:
    2. User name — user name in the BILLmanager being connected. Make sure the user has access to order licenses.
    3. Password — the user's password.
  4. Processing module parameters. Configuring the internal parameters of the service processing module.

Specify the created processing module as a license server in the VMmanager processing module's settings.

Configuring the "Control panel license" resource

To configure the resource in the tariff:

  1. Create an enumeration. Read more in Enumerations.
    1. Enter ProductsEnumerations → the Add button → fill out the form → click Ok.
    2. Select an enumeration → the Values button.
    3. Add the required number of enumerations. The internal names must match the enumeration names in the third-party panel.

      In the Internal name field, specify the license plan code of the license on the BILLmanager side that acts as a license server.

      For the "No control panel" enumeration, the internal name should have the value nopanel.

      To order licenses in ISPsystem's BILLmanager, specify the following internal names:

      • BILLmanager 6 Hosting&Cloud for a month — 55382;
      • BILLmanager 6 Hosting&Cloud for a year — 55384.
  2. Add the resource to the tariff:
    1. Enter ProductsTariff plans → select the tariff with VMmanager → click Options → click Add.
    2. In the resource settings, select "Control panel license" in the Type field, and specify "Enumeration" in the Value type field.
    3. In the Tariff limits block, select the created enumeration. It defines the control panels that will be available to the client when ordering the service. The Server control panel enumeration is specified by default.

Configuring the cost of the control panel

Under ProductsTariff plansOptions → click Prices, you can set the prices of control panel licenses.

Alignment of license order periods

The client can order a server with a control panel for any period of time - it depends on the settings of the tariff. If the validity period of the ordered service does not coincide with the available license order periods, the license for the control panel is purchased for the minimum available order period - 1 month.

It is possible to change this behavior of the system and configure alignment of order periods. Period alignment allows you to resell licenses "in parts". For example, a provider can purchase a license for a year and resell it on a monthly basis.

To configure order period alignment, enter IntegrationProcessing modules → select BILLmanager — license server → click Parameters → click Add:

  1. Parameter — select the "Period alignment" parameter type.
  2. Source period — select the period to be replaced.
  3. Change into — select the period for which the Source period will be replaced when sending a command to order a license in BILLmanager, which acts as a license server.
  4. Compare with tariff plan — enable the option to use this period alignment only when ordering services of the specified tariff. If this option is enabled , additional settings will be displayed:
    1. Product type — select the type of product to which the tariff belongs.
    2. Tariff plan — select the tariff plan for which to use this period alignment.

Reuse of licenses

The duration of the license depends on the duration of the virtual server service. The license will be regularly renewed while the service is active. If the lifetime of the license is longer than the lifetime of the service, paid but unused licenses remain on the provider's account in BILLmanager — the license server. A pool of free licenses is created. These licenses are reused by the billing platform when the client orders a server with the control panel.

For example, the provider has configured the ordering of annual licenses for ISPmanager, when a client orders a VDS for a month. A client ordered a service with ISPmanager for a month, renewed it for 2 months in a row, and on the third month refused the server. The license ordered for this VDS becomes free and enters the license pool. When ordering another VDS service with a control panel, BILLmanager will not order a new license, but will use a license from the pool.

ISPsystem licenses.

The article was last updated on 06.25.2024. The article was prepared by technical writers of ISPsystem.