BILLmanager 6
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Processing module. DCImanager

Integration between BILLmanager and DCImanager allows a service provider to offer dedicated servers to his customers. 

After a client orders a service, BILLmanager sends the API request to DCImanager to create the dedicated server. The service is activated in BILLmanager (its status is changed into "Active") after the server preparation process is completed. 

During this process, the system may change the IP address from private into public, install an operating system, and deploy recipes. 

Integration with DCImanager

Integration is configured in the process of creating a service processing module in BILLmanager.

To create a service processing module, enter IntegrationProcessing modules → click Add. The processing module adding wizard consists of the following steps:

  1. Product type: select "Dedicated server".
  2. Processing module: select "DCImanager".
  3. Integration settings. Specify the data for integration:
    1. URL — enter a full URL to the control panel where services will be activated.  
    2. Username — enter the name of the DCImanager user. You need to enter the credential of the "Administrator' user role. With this username, BILLmanager will manage create, suspend) accounts in DCImanager. 
    3. Password — enter the user password. 
    4. Server type — use the new server type. The option can be changed only if no tariff plans are associated with the processing module. How to allocate a dedicated server. We added this option for compatibility with older versions of DCImanager. We recommend that you check this box.

      • if the box is not checked (the old server type is selected), a client can order only pre-defined (ready) server configurations when ordering a new server.
      • if the box is checked  (the new server type is selected), a client can customize or select pre-defined configuration when ordering a new server. The service provider needs to add departments that will be responsible for server assembly and will purchase hardware and spare parts. He can do so on Step 4 of the Integration setup form. If the client orders a customizable server configuration, but the provider doesn't have such a server, the selected department will be assigned a task to prepare the server according to the client's needs. Service order in DCImanager.
    5. Do not ignore IPMI errors — flag disables ignoring errors that the billing platform receives from the IPMI server. If the option is active and an error occurs when deleting a service, a task to stop the dedicated server manually is created. In BILLmanager, the service will be deleted after this task is closed.
    6. IPmanager — select a server that will allocate IP addresses.
  4. Processing module parameters. Configure internal (within BILLmanager) parameters of the service processing module:
    1. Data center — select the data center in BILLmanager to which the processing module will be connected.
    2. Name — specify the name of the processing module to be displayed in the BILLmanager interface.
    3. Department — select the department to which tasks from the processing module will be assigned.
    4. Sort — specify the processing module’s priority. If more than one processing module is connected to a tariff plan, the processing module with the lowest priority is selected first when creating the service.

After you have added the processing module, you can change the server type. Navigate to IntegrationProcessing moduleEdit. On the form that will open you can also change the department that will be responsible for server assembly and purchase of spare parts.

You cannot change the server type if at least one tariff plan is associated with this processing module.

Integration with IPmanager

When you integrate DCImanager with the billing system, the Wizard will ask you to integrate them with IPmanager for centralized management of IP addresses. 

  • IPmanager — integration with IPmanager that you configured before. 
  • Disable change of IP addresses — if the checkbox is selected, the system won't be changed when preparing and releasing a dedicated server.
  • IP address type for parking — a group of IP addresses in IPmanager for server parking. Parked servers are available machines in DCImanager that customers can order. This option allows allocating certain IP addresses (usually, private) to such servers and saving public IPs.
The article was last updated on 09.17.2024. The article was prepared by technical writers of ISPsystem.