BILLmanager 6

Message templates

BILLmanager has a built-in notification system to notify users about important events: automatic service renewal, registration confirmation, etc. The notifications (messages) are created and sent automatically. The message text is based on EJS-templates.

All messages are divided into three types depending on your sending method:

  • Email notifications 
  • SMS 
  • Notifications in the Notifications module

Template configuration

Every template can be assigned only to one provider. If a provider wasn't selected, then the message template will be used for all providers who don't have a personal template.

Message templates also support localization. You can configure message templates only for active and built-in localizations. Each template can use a different markup.

Edit the message template:


To add an unsubscribe option to a message template:

Go to Settings → Message Templates → Email Messages → Templates button.

Modify an existing message template or Create a new one.

Add the code to the template.

<a href="<%- billurl %>?func=unsubscribe&cmdhash=<%= cmdhash %> target="_blank">link_text</a>

			<div id="unsubscribe">
				<hr size="1" color="#D5D5D5"/>
    			You received this email because you are registered on the <%= %> site.
				You can unsubscribe from all <%= %> news, and by doing so you confirm that you refuse to be notified of all significant events and changes to the service, including financial and legal issues.
        I am aware of the possible consequences and want to <a href="<%- billurl %>?func=unsubscribe&cmdhash=<%= cmdhash %>" style="color:#666" target="_blank">subscribe from news</a>.

Types of notifications that you cannot unsubscribe from:

  • Password reset;
  • Email password recovery;
  • Password has been successfully recovered;
  • Abuse. Reaching the deadline to rectify discovered violations;
  • Abuse. You have reached the deadline to rectify discovered violations;
  • Abuse. You have exceeded the maximum number of abuse scores;
  • Service profile registration errors;
  • Email activation;
  • Notification about payer creation;
  • Export personal data;
  • Gateway. Email confirmation required;
  • Gateway. Cannot identify the client by his email address;
  • Gateway. Your email has been successfully confirmed;
  • Gateways. You cannot create a support ticket as you don't have free support incidents;
  • Gateways. Failed to verify sender's email;
  • Check payer by email;
  • Account verification by email;
  • Send invoice;
  • New client has been registered;
  • Notification about payer creation.