BILLmanager 6
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Network management. OpenStack

BILLmanager, when integrated with OpenStack, supports virtual data center (VDC) network management. To manage networks and routers, go to the individual forms: Products/Services → VDC → Networks and Routers buttons. These forms are available to the client and the service provider. 


To manage VDC networks, enter Products/Services → VDC → Networks button. Press the Create button to add a network.

Specify the following parameters:

  • Name; 
  • Create subnet — an option to create a subnet when creating a network. When this option is disabled, all fields except Name and Create subnet are hidden on the form; 
  • Subnet name — the name with which the subnet will be created if the Create subnet option is active; 
  • Network address selection type — a way to specify a pool of subnet addresses. Two values are available:
    • Enter the network address manually — in the Subnet address field, enter the address with a mask in CIDR format, for example:; 
    • Network address from a pool — select the appropriate address pool in the Pool field and the mask in CIDR format in the Subnet mask field. BILLmanager gets the values of these fields from OpenStack. If on the OpenStack side the superuser has not configured the pools, only manual entry of the address will be available. 
  • Use gateway — an option to specify the IP address of the subnet router, indicate the IP in the Gateway address field; 
  • Enable DHCP — an option to enable the DHCP server for the created subnet. A separate subnet IP address will be allocated for the DHCP server; 
  • Connect to router — the router to which the subnet will be connected. The list shows all active routers from Products/Services → VDC → Routers


To manage VDC routers, enter Products/Services → VDC → Routers button. Press the Create button to add a router.

Specify the following parameters:

  • Router name; 
  • External network — the public network to which the router will be connected. The selected network will be added to the interfaces of the router automatically. 

Once created, manually add the required router interfaces under Products/Services → VDC → Routers → Interfaces → Create. 

Load balancers

The load balancer (hereinafter referred to as LB) distributes traffic evenly among a group of servers (pool members). Each pool contains servers among which the load is balanced. If one server in the pool fails, the load will automatically be distributed among the remaining machines. To manage LBs, enter Products/Services → VDC → Balancers. Press the Create button to add a balancer. 

Specify the following parameters:

  • Name;
  • Subnet — the subnet for which the load balancer works. 

Setting up an inbound connection

Specify the following parameters:

  • Protocol — the protocol by which the balancer interacts with the servers in the LB pool;
  • Port. 

Configuring the pool

Specify the following parameters:

  • Method — the load balancing algorithm. The following methods are available:
    • Least connections — the new request is sent to the least busy server; 
    • Round robin — requests are distributed among servers one by one; 
    • Source IP — all requests from a certain IP go to the same server. 
  • Virtual server — pool member servers. The load will be distributed between them. 

Monitoring setup

Specify the following parameters:

  • Monitoring protocol;
  • Interval, sec — interval between requests. Specified in seconds;
  • Number of attempts — the allowed number of unsuccessful accesses before the server failure message;
  • Timeout, sec — the time during which the response from the server should be received. Specified in seconds. 
The article was last updated on 06.04.2022. The article was prepared by technical writers of ISPsystem.