BILLmanager 6

How reselling works

When a service is ordered, a new operation is created in the reselling BILLmanager and a new task is linked to that operation. The operation status is available in ToolsRunning operations. The task status is displayed in ToolsTasks. Reselling operations and tasks must specify the number of Products/Services

Do not take any actions with reselling operations or tasks in ToolsRunning operations and ToolsTasks. BILLmanager will process them automatically.

An operation to enable or extend the service involves sending a corresponding request to setup the service in the selling BILLmanager. After the service has been processed by the selling billing system, the reselling BILLmanager will be informed by means of the event mechanism:

Cron job
## BILLmanager get item events from remote BILLmanager
*/5 * * * *	/usr/local/mgr5/sbin/mgrctl -m billmgr checkevent >/dev/null 2>&1

If automatic processing of operations failed, the job will not be created. Check the account balance in the selling BILLmanager and make sure it is available to the reselling billing system. When these problems have been solved, restart the reselling operation: ToolsRunning operationsStart

All changes made to the service in the selling BILLmanager are translated via the event mechanism: change in parameters, resources, service enabling/disabling etc. Therefore, the reselling BILLmanager will always have up-to-date information on the services.

For the virtual server service, you cannot automatically change the tariff plan if you need to change your drive size. You will need to use a manual processing module for that purpose.

For example, the provider resells virtual server services. It has the tariff "VDS-1" with the disk size of 30 GB and "VDS-2" with the disk size of 60 GB. The reselling billing system’s customer decides to change the tariff "VDS-1" for "VDS-2". If VMmanager processing module is installed in the reselling billing system, the reselling provider changes it to "manual processing module" to change the tariff. Following this, the tariff is changed manually. Next, to return the "VMmanager" processing module, the reselling provider should change the 'processingmodule' parameter in the database in the 'item' table.

Link services on selling and reselling BILLmanager

Usually the link between services is set automatically when you purchase a service and you don't need to do anything manually. The item.setremoteid function sets remoteid - links services on the selling and reselling billing and will help:

In cases of discrepancies. For example, if licences are not renewed in the reselling billing platform due to incorrect remoteid (unique identifier of the service on the side of the reselling billing platform).
when it is necessary to bind services that were not previously bound.

The function should be called on the reselling billing platform with client or employee rights.

Example of API call, executed under the client's account in the selling BILLmanager<license_id>&value=<remote_license_id>