BILLmanager 6
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es Es

Global settings (settings)


Access level: admin

The function is simultaneously used to view and change form's data

View data:

  • Result: parameters list

Change the data:

  • Parameters:
    • sok — the parameter must not be empty, generally "ok".
    • additional query parameters ...
  • Result: successful operation or error message

The list object's parameters or additional query parameters (see above):


Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on". Services suspended by administrator will be deleted according to schedule. By default, the billing system deletes only expired services, or services that were suspended due to insufficient funds for renewal. Period can be specified either in the tariff plan edit form, or in the product type edit form


 Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on". Allow clients to delete notifications in the corresponding module

NoProjectSelectOptional parameter. To enable the option click "on". This option will forbid a client to switch between service providers after login to Client area
HideClosedItemOptional parameter. To enable the option click "on". "Deleted" services won't be displayed in all lists where services are displayed
DeleteInactiveAccountOptional parameter. To enable the option click "on". This option enables an automatic deleting of customers without any activity within the specified period and having no active services, payments and expenses. The following factors will be analyzed: created payments, ordered services, technical support requests, new customers attracted under the referral program
DeleteInactiveAccountPeriodDelete account if it is not active for more than . Period when the client remains idle
DeleteInactiveAccountNotifyOptional parameter. To enable the option click "on". Select this check box to send the Account deletion notification
NearDeleteInactiveAccountNotifyOptional parameter. To enable the option click "on". Select the check box to enable preliminary notifications about near deletion of user account
NearDeleteInactiveAccountPeriodDate of sending preliminary notification . Number of days left until the deletion date, separated by spaces

Exclude clients from reports . Enter clients' ids comma separated. They will be ignored in reports. In reports that collects statistics every day, a newly added client will be excluded the next day


Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on". Select the check box to hide a discount during service order

PostPaidPaymentExpenseDateInvoice for due expenses . Due expenses will be included into a monthly invoice
ProRataCreateDateService provisioning (calendar billing) . Select how to generate a service provisioning date in case of calendar billing
PaymentWizardOrderPayment Wizard . Order of steps for invoice generation
AllowAnyCountryForProfileOptional parameter. To enable the option click "on". Allow a client to create payers from countries that differ from the one he selected during registration. We do not recommend that you do so if you set tax rates. For more information, please read the corresponding article
ProhibitDifferentProfileTypesOptional parameter. To enable the option click "on". Forbid clients to create payers with different statuses, The client cannot have a status of both company or individual
AutoPaymentOptional parameter. To enable the option click "on". Select this check box to enable automatic invoicing in case of low account balance
CountProfileType_1Number of individuals. Enter the maximum number of "Individual" payers per client. Leave the field blank to set an unlimited value
CountProfileType_2Number of legal entities. Enter the maximum number of "Legal entity (Company)" payers per client. Leave the field blank to set an unlimited value
CountProfileType_3Number of sole proprietors Enter the maximum number of "Sole proprietor" payers per client. Leave the field blank to set an unlimited value
ProfileValidationPolicyData change policy. Set policy rules for verified payers
DefaultInvoiceTypeInvoice generation type. Type of generation of invoices created for payers by default
InvoiceCurrencyDateOptional parameter. To enable the option click "on". When you generate an invoice based on due expenses, and if the invoice currency differs from the currency set for client's account, by default the system will use rate for the current date. Select this check box to use currency rate for the date when the invoice was created
ProfileCreateNotificationOptional parameter. To enable the option click "on". If this option is enabled, the payer will receive the information notification to his/her email. Only for individuals and sole proprietor
StatNotificationTypeSend notification. Select when you want to send notifications if you charge a client for resource overages
StatExpensePolicyIn case of insufficient funds on client's account . Choose an action that will be performed to charge a client, if there are insufficient funds on his account
StatNotificationLimitSend notifications when a client reaches its limits . Enter a percentage of resource usage at which the threshold notification will be sent
SupportToCcOptional parameter. To enable the option click "on". Select this check bot to send notifications to multiple recipients, specified in the client's email
SupportUsePriorityOptional parameter. To enable the option click "on". Allow your clients to set priority for support tickets, and allow administrators to change priority if needed
SupportFileSizeMaximum file size. Enter the maximum file size that clients may attach to tickets
SupportMessageSizeMaximum message size. Enter the maximum message size per ticket post
SupportHightPriorityScheduleIncrease ticket priority when response time is less than. This option enables to change ticket priority if remaining resonse time is less than the value specified
AbuseRateStatOptional parameter. To enable the option click "on". Select the check box to sum up abuse scores and apply fines when the limit is reached
AbuseBlockItemRateBlock services when reaching the limit. Client's services will be blocked and the client won't be able to order new services
ArchiveTicketOptional parameter. To enable the option click "on". Select the check box to move tickets to the Archive automatically after a certain time of inactivity
ArchiveTicketDaysIf new posts are not added for more than. Enter a period in days. Support tickets will be automatically closed after a certain time of inactivity has passed
ValidateOrderVerification order. Set the data checking order

Phone number confirmation. A client is asked to enter his phone number and pass the verification procedure. The phone number will be marked verified and can be used for service deletion confirmation

fraud_phone_trycountNumber of attempts to receive a code. Set the number of attempts to enter a phone confirmation code a client can make to pass the verification process
fraud_code_trycountNumber of attempts to enter code. Enter the number of attempts to enter the confirmation code a client can make before he will be required to obtain a new code
EmailValidateTypeConfirmation by email. Confirmation of email address specified during registration
WaitTimeSendEmail sending period. Time is seconds that will pass before the next attempt to send an account activation email will be made. The default value is 300 seconds
ManualValidateTypeManual confirmation. Manual confirmation of client's account
ManualValidateDepartmentDepartment. Select a department that will receive tasks for manual confirmation of client accounts
AllowRecoveryBySmsOptional parameter. To enable the option click "on". Enables to send a verification code for password recovery to a verified phone number. If the phone number is not verified, a client will be emailed the password reset instructions
PhoneRestoreMaxSendTimeAttempts to send a code. Enter the maximum number of attempts to receive a code by the phone
PhoneRestoreSendTimeOutCode receiving timeout. Enter the minimal time in seconds that will pass before a client will be able to receive a new recovery code
AllowRecoveryByEmailOptional parameter. To enable the option click "on". A client can choose how he wants to receive a password
ProfilePhoneValidateTypePhone number confirmation. Payer's phone number confirmation
ProfilePhoneTryCountAttempts to get a code. Enter the maximum number of attempts for phone number confirmation that a client can make during the verification process
ProfilePhoneCodeTryCountPassword entry attempts. The maximum number of attempts to enter a code. Once exceeded, you will need to get a new code
ProfileEmailValidateTypeEmail confirmation. Email confirmation of payer's address
ProfileEmailWaitTimeSendEmail sending period. Time is seconds that will pass before the second confirmation email will be sent. The default value is 300 sec
ProfileManualValidateTypeManual confirmation. Manual verification of payers' data
ProfileManualValidateDepartmentDepartment. Select a department that will received tasks for manual confirmation of payer's data
RequireEmailValidationOptional parameter. To enable the option click "on". Notifications cannot be sent to non-verified email addresses. After registration, a client will be asked to pass the email verification process. You can send a verification email from the user settings form. Mass mailing won't be sent to non-verified email addresses
ParseMailSystemAutoreplayOptional parameter. To enable the option click "on". Select the check box to process automatic notifications from mail systems informing that email cannot be delivered. You can select this option, if you configure a gateway to pass incoming emails for a mailbox from which emails will be sent
BuymoreMaxCountOffers. Enter the maximum number of related products in the Cart
RegFormTypeRegistration form. Registration form type

Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on". Select the check box to allow customers to specify phone number during registration


Deprecated parameter, retained for backward compatibility. The type of reCAPTCHA on the user registration form. Be sure to include this setting if you have an integration of the registration form into the site 


Deprecated parameter, retained for backward compatibility. The reCAPTCHA service site key for the authorization form. Public key used for reCAPTCHA integration on the authorization form


Deprecated parameter, retained for backward compatibility. Key of reCAPTCHA service for authorization form. Private key used for reCAPTCHA integration on the authorization form

RecaptchaAuthType Deprecated parameter, saved for backward compatibility. The type of reCAPTCHA on the authorization form. This option specifies which reCAPTCHA service will be used on the user authorization form
RecaptchaAuthPublicKey Deprecated parameter, saved for backward compatibility. The reCAPTCHA service site key for the authorization form. Public key used for reCAPTCHA integration on the authorization form
RecaptchaAuthPrivateKey Deprecated parameter, saved for backward compatibility. Secret key of the reCAPTCHA service for the authorization form. Private key used for reCAPTCHA integration on the authorization form

Type of CAPTCHA on the authorization form. This option specifies which CAPTCHA service will be used on the user authorization form

AuthorizationInvisibleCaptchaModeMode of invisible CAPTCHA on the authorization form. The option defines the mode of using invisible CAPTCHA on the user authorization form

The reCAPTCHA service site key for the authorization form. Public key used for reCAPTCHA integration on the authorization form

AuthorizationRecaptchaPrivateKeySecret key of reCAPTCHA service for authorization form. Private key used for reCAPTCHA integration on the authorization form

Client key for Yandex SmartCaptcha on the authorization form. Public key used to integrate Yandex SmartCaptcha on the authorization form


Server key for Yandex SmartCaptcha on authorization form. Private key used to integrate Yandex SmartCaptcha on the authorization form


Type of CAPTCHA on the registration form. This option specifies which CAPTCHA service will be used on the user registration form

RegistrationInvisibleCaptchaModeInvisible CAPTCHA mode on the registration form. The option defines the mode of using invisible CAPTCHA on the registration form

The reCAPTCHA service site key for the registration form. Public key used for reCAPTCHA integration on the registration form


Secret key of reCAPTCHA service for registration form. Private key used for reCAPTCHA integration on the registration form


Client key for Yandex SmartCaptcha on the registration form. Public key used to integrate Yandex SmartCaptcha on the registration form


Server key for Yandex SmartCaptcha on registration form. Private key used to integrate Yandex SmartCaptcha on the registration form

DisableSendingClientIPToCaptchaFlag that disables sending the client's IP address to the CAPTCHA service. If set, the client's IP address will not be sent to the CAPTCHA service
ShowroomBehavior Behavior. Select an action that will be performed when a non-registered user opens BILLmanager
ShowroomLinkType Link type. Select a type of the link that will be shown on the login form
OneDedicatedIp Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on". Only one IP address will be allocated, even if the tariff plan includes multiple IP addresses that can be allocated, but a client didn't order additional IPs. The client can order additional IP addresses in the "IP address" module
CheckIpInUse Optional parameter. To enable the option click "on". Only for "Dedicated servers": the system will check IP address accessibility before deletion; If IP address is active, it won't be deleted

The article was last updated on 03.05.2025. The article was prepared by technical writers of ISPsystem.