BILLmanager 6
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Ticket tags

With the Ticket tags module you can:

  • track the number of tickets related to a certain type of product, tariff and responsible department;
  • create reports on the distribution of tickets by tags.

To connect the module, enter IntegrationModules → select the Ticket tags module.

Managing tags

Creating a tag

Enter SupportTicket tagsCreate button.

Fill in the form:

  • Name;
  • Group — select an existing group from the list, or create a new one;
  • Group name — enter the name for the new group;
  • Product type — select the product type from the list;
  • Tariff — select one or more tariffs;
  • Description.

Managing tags

You can do the following with tags:

  • create new ones;
  • edit existing ones;
  • delete.

All tags are displayed in a table that contains information about the number of tickets and the responsible departments for each tag.

Adding a tag to a ticket

Tags are added to tickets automatically if they fit the conditions.

For example, a client contacted you and selected VMmanager 6 in the Service field. An appropriate tag is automatically added to his/her ticket.

To add a tag to an already created ticket, enter SupportAll tickets → select the ticket → Open button → specify the Tag group and Tag below the message field.

The ticket tags are displayed in the general table of tickets and filtering by them is available.


To create a report:

  1. Enter ProviderReports → select Report on the allocation of tickets by tagPrint button.
  2. Select the required parameters and press the OK button.

To navigate through the created report, press on the Tag group name.

The article was last updated on 10.05.2022. The article was prepared by technical writers of ISPsystem.