BILLmanager 6
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Processing module. vCloud Director (NSX-T)

Integration is configured in the process of creating a service handler in BILLmanager.

To create a service handler, go to Integration Processing modulesAdd button:

  1. Product type choose Virtual data-center.
  2. Processing Module — select vCloud Director (NSX-T) and click Add.
  3. Integration setrings. Specify data for the integration:
    Some field descriptions refer to entities from VMware vCloud Director (NSX-T). Their names are in brackets and italicised: (<Entity from vCloud Director>).
    1. Server Address — address of the management server or cluster leader. Specify an IP address or domain name.
    2. Username — the name of the account in the vCloud Director plug-in. An account with the tole of System Administrator is used for integration. On behalf of the specified account BILLmanager will manage (create, delete, etc.) virtual data centres in VMware. 
    3. Password — account password.
  4. Processing module parameters. Specify: 
    1. Name — the name of the handler in the interface.
    2. Department — select the department to which tasks from the processing module will be assigned.  For example, the accounting or the technical department.
    3. Sort — handler priority. The lower the value, the higher the position in the list.
    4. Organisation name template (default) —  template used to form the name of the organisation (Organizations) on the vCloud Director side. By default, the organisation name is formed as billmgr_organization_
    5. Distribution model (Default) — allocation rule for each user's VDC. Two values are available:
      • Allocation vApp — each VDC can use as many resources as required. Any limits set in the content of the tariff are ignored. With this allocation model it is necessary to keep ‘Statistical’ accounting of resources.
      • Allocation Pool — each VDC can use a limited number of resources. The maximum allowed number of each resource is configured in the tariff plan content.
    6. Provider (default) — VDCs provider (Provider VDCs) on the vCloud Director side.
    7. Network pool name (default) — name of the (Network Pool) on the vCloud Director side.
    8. Storage policies (default) — storage policies (Storage Policies) from vCloud Director used to create the VDC.
    9. User role (default) — account role created within the organisation (Global roles). Defines the user's access level within the created organisation.
    10. Provider gateway (default) — provider-level network gateway (Provider Gateways). The network is created automatically when you add a provider. 
    11. External network prefix (default) — network name prefix (External Networks), from which public IP addresses will be allocated for created VDCs. For example, a VDC provider in vCloud Director has several networks for issuing a ‘white’ IP address: ‘External-1010’, ‘External-80’ and ‘Test Network’. When configuring BILLmanager integration with vCloud Director, the Network Prefix field takes the value ‘External’. In this case, IP addresses will be allocated from the ‘External-1010’ and ‘External-80’ networks.
    12. Organisation level network gateway — organisation level network gateway. The network is created automatically when you add an organisation.
    13. Network mask — organisation level network mask.
    14. IP address range — IP address range for virtual machines within the organisation level network.
    15. Primary DNS — organisation-level network's primary DNS address.
    16. Secondary DNS — organisation-level secondary DNS address of the network.
    17. DNS-suffix — DNS suffix of the organisation-level network.

To finish creating the handler, click Complete.

May be useful

The article was last updated on 03.18.2025. The article was prepared by technical writers of ISPsystem.