BILLmanager 6

Application hosting (dockerapp)

Func: dockerapp

Result: list of items

Application hosting

Access level: admin user

domain — Domain name

  • id — Id
  • pricelist — Tariff
  • account — Client
  • project — Provider
  • datacentername — Datacenter
  • processingmodule — Processing module
  • createdate — Date created
  • expiredate — Expired until
  • autoprolong — Autoprolong
  • status_msg —
  • item_status — Status of the service. Can take values:
    • 1 — ordered;
    • 2 — active;
    • 3 — stopped;
    • 4 — deleted;
    • 5 — processed;
  • cost — Cost

Order a new service

Function: dockerapp.order

Order a new service

Access level: user


Function: dockerapp.resume


Access level: admin


  • elid — one or more unique object identifiers separated by a comma followed by a space ", ". The unique identifier is the id element from the dockerapp function.

Result: successful execution of the operation or error message

Service opening


Access level: admin

This function is simultaneously used to view object parameters, modify an object and create a new object.

Viewing object parameters:


  • elid - unique identifier (id element from the dockerapp function)
  • Result: list of object parameters

Creating an object:


  • sok - parameter value must be non-empty, usually "ok".
  • additional request parameters ...
  • Result: successful operation or error message

Modify object


  • sok - parameter value must be non-empty, usually "ok".
  • elid - unique identifier (id element from the dockerapp function)
  • additional request parameters ...
  • Result: successful execution of the operation or error message

List of object parameters or additional query parameters (see above):

  • processingmodule - Processing Module. Processing module assigned to the service

Set filter by customer

Function: dockerapp.setfilter

Set filter by client

Access level: admin

Open URL in a new tab

Function: dockerapp.gotoserver

Open URL in a new tab

Access level: admin user

Log in to the panel with user rights


Log in to the panel with user rights

Access level: admin

Edit service

Function: dockerapp.edit

Access level: admin user

This function is used to view object parameters, modify an object and create a new object at the same time.

View object parameters:


  • elid - unique identifier (id element from the dockerapp function)
  • Result: list of object parameters

Creating an object:


  • sok - parameter value must be non-empty, usually "ok".
  • additional request parameters ...
  • Result: successful operation or error message

Modify object


  • sok - parameter value must be non-empty, usually "ok".
  • elid - unique identifier (id element from the dockerapp function)
  • additional request parameters ...
  • Result: successful execution of the operation or error message

List of object parameters or additional query parameters (see above):

  • processingmodule - Processing module. Processing module
  • autoprolong - Automatic renewal. Select the period for which the service will be automatically renewed when it expires
  • createdate - Order date. Date of ordering the service
  • opendate - Date of creation. Date of actual start of the service validity
  • expiredate - Valid until. Service expiration date
  • scheduledclose - . (Optional parameter. To enable this option, use the "on" value.) Scheduled to be deleted at the end of the paid period
  • reboot - . (Optional parameter. Use "on" to enable this option.)
  • note - Comment. Comment to
  • noexpense - . (Optional parameter. Use "on" to enable this option.) Set the flag if you do not want to debit/refund for the current resource change operation


Function: dockerapp.suspend


Access level: admin


  • elid - one or more unique object identifiers separatd by a comma followed by a space ", ". The unique identifier is the id element from the dockerapp function.
  • Result: successful execution of the operation or error message

Filter setting


Delete selected services

Function: dockerapp.delete

Delete selected services

Access level: admin user


  • elid - one or more unique object identifiers separated by a comma followed by a space ", ". The unique identifier is the id element from the dockerapp function.
  • Result: successful execution of the operation or error message